開放時間:10:00-17:00 (12:00-13:00中午休息暫不開放)

日治時期,檜意森活村正是基於阿里山林業開發所建立的官方宿舍,建材多以阿里山檜木為主,而在臺灣的農業時代,牛車一直是人民載貨與代步的交通工具,是農業社會最具代表性的運輸工具之一。牛車又稱「板輪車」,俗語「無轎坐牛車」, 在生活文化、歷史意義、經濟價值上,牛除了本身的價值之外,牛也成為一家生計的依賴,牛隻更是家家戶戶不可少的勞動力成員,它代表著作物豐收,生活改善,也已內化為臺灣歷史、生活、文化的一部份,牛與農民密切的生活關係與感情。本裝置藝術就像回到了農業的靈魂,回憶臺灣如何在現實的困境中,力求突破,展現不屈服的精神,亦為農業發展,立下了根基,展現出它過往的風華年代,領悟文化創意的生命。
【Japanese Colonial Period】 Oxcarts in Taiwan
In the Japanese Colonial Period (the Occupied Taiwan Era), Hinoki Village was a public dormitory built with the Taiwan cypress a.k.a. the Alishan Hinoki as the main timberon the basis of the thriving development of the Alishan forestry industry.In the agricultural time in Taiwan, the oxcart used to be the main road riding device the cargo (logistics) and access (transportation)wise and therefore became one of the most iconic road riding devices in the agricultural society.The oxcart is also known as the “slab-wheeled vehicle”.As the saying goes, “Take an oxcart if there is no sedan.”The cattle used to be the mainstay of making a living in addition to their value as the livestock in each household the living & culture, historic significance and economic value wise. Additionally, the cattle used to be the essential worker of the household labor. Not only the cattle represent the harvest of crops and livelihood progression (improvement) but also the society internalizes them as part of the local history, life and culture in Taiwan.The cattle and the farmers connect so close the livelihood and affection wise.
This installation art is reminiscent of the soul of agriculture in the early days.It recollects how Taiwan in straitened circumstances strived for breakthroughs against all the odds and showcased the indomitable soul that also set up a foundation of the agricultural development in the old days. The splendid reminiscence in the pastallows the viewers to perceive the insights of the cultural and creative life in Taiwan.